On Satisfaction from Deep Work, Reducing Emails, and a Walk in Nature

28th November edition of the Soulful Monday Newsletter

Shivendra Misra
2 min readDec 11, 2022

The Soulful Monday Newsletter shares 3 unusual ideas each week to change your outlook on life and ponder upon them deeply. Each mindful thought can be integrated into your life immediately.

I sent this newsletter first to my subscribers about two weeks ago. If you like it and want to receive it in your inbox (plus many more goodies), subscribe here!

Photo by Solen Feyissa on Unsplash

Here are three actionable ideas that will help you live a mindfully productive life and be a better version of yourself this week:


One of the main reasons many feel unhappy at work is the lack of deep work. When we’re able to daily engross ourselves in doing something challenging, we feel much happier. Instead, most people spend their days checking email, juggling meetings, and if they’re lucky, getting some work done!

Psychologists have found that the best human moments usually occur when a person’s body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile.

You don’t necessarily need another job. You need a new way of working.


One of the best ways to avoid emails and meetings from creeping into your day is to hold office hours. Office hours are the times when you’re guaranteed to be available to anyone who wants to speak with you.

Whenever someone asks for a time, just point them to your office hours. Use meeting scheduling software like Calendly to make it effortless.


“In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks. ”— John Muir

Joy to you!
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Shivendra Misra

30x Top Writer | Articles on Writing, Mindful Productivity, Meditation, and Spiritual Living